BeatBox Change Log 2024
-------------December 16, 2024 (v3.26.7)-------------
What's Updated
Manage Support Documents
The Manage Support Documents section now displays the last modified date, time, and username for each uploaded documents.
Manage Support Documents - New Document Type
A new document type category, 'Patient Medical History' has been added to the Manage Support Documents.
Electrode Type on Holter Report
A new Electrode Type field has now been added to the Holter report.
Hard Copy ECG
Workflow tags (ATH - Athlete, QTC - Corrected QT Interval, TO - Trace Only, V4R - Right Ventricular Infarction) now introduced for Hard Copy ECGs.
BBD-8020 BBD-8164 BBD-8290
New Holter Analysis Platform (UK Only)
Further enhancements and updates to the new holter analysis platform.
BBD-8393 BBD-8218
Sleep Studies (AU Only)
Further enhancements and updates to sleep procedures enrolment, upload, analysis, and reporting workflows.
BBD-8338 BBD-8358 BBD-8220 BBD-8008 BBD-8405 BBD-7765 BBD-7762 BBD-7398 BBD-8158 BBD-7732 BBD-8144 BBD-8245 BBD-8470 BBD-8472
What's Fixed
BBD-8422 BBD-5573 BBD-8452 BBD-7004 BBD-7905 BBD-8238 BBD-8359 BBD-1473 BBD-8322 BBD-8509 BBD-8328 BBD-8322
Resolved an issue where selecting procedures using worklist actions malfunctioned when other worklist functions were in use simultaneously.
A problem where the worklist displaying inaccurate Holter procedure upload times and upload date/time sorting incorrectly has been rectified.
Sending Holter procedures for analysis using worklist actions caused the procedure status to remain stuck in processing has been rectified.
Resolved an issue where the live status update did not refresh when a Holter procedure was finalized.
An issue where admin level users were unable to save user profiles with individual user permissions assigned has been rectified.
-------------November 25, 2024 (v3.26.6)-------------
What's Updated
Manage Filters
A pop-up notification prompting users to re-create their filters if another user with manage filter permissions has inadvertently deleted them. This notification will appear when users attempt to edit their own filters on the worklist.
Worklist Performance Enhancements
The worklist filter by date drop-down now defaults to "Modified (Active)" for only users with greater access.
The worklist will automatically display all Active procedures that require action. Procedures requiring action include all status types except for finalised.
To view finalized procedures, use the "Finalized" filter by date option, set a filter for finalized procedures, or search for a finalized procedure using the worklist search or archive search function.
BBD-8020 BBD-8164 BBD-8290
New Holter Analysis Platform (Soft Launch - UK Only)
Further enhancements and updates to the new holter analysis platform.
BBD-8393 BBD-8218
Sleep Studies (Soft Launch - AU Only)
Further enhancements and updates to sleep procedures enrollment, upload, analysis, and reporting workflows.
ECG Filters
An additional indicator introduced for serial tags on the worklist workflow tags column and to the ECG report view. This facilitates easier filtering of ECG procedures belonging to the same patient and recorded within a one-hour window.
ECG Conclusion and Autofill Dictionary
Additional auto text options added for ECG reporting in the conclusion section.
BBD-8093 BBD-8189 BBD-8240 BBD-8093
Enhancements to the import process for Holter data.
Holter enrollment process performance enhancements.
Security and performance enhancements.
What's Fixed
BBD-7156 BBD-8165 BBD-8203 BBD-8309 BBD-8311
Auto-allocation of suggested users during the lab creation process resolved.
Issues with the Holter repeat request status workflow resolved.
Resolved an issue with worklist filters and navigating between worklist filtered criteria on the report view.
-------------October 21, 2024 (v3.26.5)-------------
What's New
Multiple Supporting Documents
Users can now manage multiple support documents, including uploading, downloading, and deleting. They can choose between two document types: Patient Diaries and Referral Documents. Future releases will expand the selection to include more document types. Currently, only PDF files are supported, but additional file types will be supported in future updates.
What's Updated
BBD-7499 BBD-7506 BBD-8153 BBD-7594 BBD-8020
New Holter Analysis Platform (Soft Launch - UK Only)
Further enhancements and updates to the new holter analysis platform:
- Checks and limitations applied on number of active user sessions per facility to improve usability.
- New process workflows and messaging added when analysis is in progress or when holter data is being viewed.
- Custom action buttons added on the analysis platform.
Full Disclosure
Further performance enhancements and reliability of full disclosures reports.
BBD-7993 BBD-5108
Security and performance enhancements.
What's Fixed
BBD-7896 BBD-8054 BBD-7952
Real time updates to finalised Sleep procedures not applying correctly.
Sleep procedures permission was not being assigned correctly to user roles.
Procedure Lock icon was not showing for ECG HardCopy.
-------------September 2, 2024 (v3.26.4)-------------
What's new
Act Soon
A new clinical correlation workflow and tag introduced to the Emergency Test Reporting to ensure the most critical issues are given priority. This applies to Holter and ECG findings considered not immediately life-threatening and requiring CardioScan clinical team to Act Soon but not immediately.
A new Act Soon icon and colour indicator introduced for the worklist and consequent updates to the Urgent and Immediate Attention icon and colour indicator.
- New Act Soon action button situated between the Urgent and Immediate Attention in Report View
- Act Soon and Acknowledge Act Soon tags available in Filter Section.
- Act Soon tag on the worklist workflow tags column.
- Email notifications for Act Soon and/or Finalised + Act Soon.
- Users Roles with access to mark a procedure for Immediate Attention can also mark a procedures as Act Soon.
New Paediatric ECG tag
A new tag v4R introduced to identify transmission of Paediatric ECGs. A Paediatric ECG is identified when the v4R is beside the Patient ID.
- v4R tag on the worklist workflow tags column.
- v4R tag visible in Report View.
- v4R tag available in Filter Section.
New Holter Analysis Platform (Soft Launch - UK Only)
A new Holter analysis platform has been launched, enabling users to analyze Holter reports directly through a web browser.
What's Updated
Export Functionality
Ability to export in PDF XLSX and CSV format has now been extended to Device Section, Lab Tokens, Conversations, Archive Search, User Management and Entity Management.
Archive Search
Archive Search for ECG, Holter, ABP procedures is now available to all users.
Please refer to How to search for Historical Data (from BeatBox Version 2)
BBD-7655 BBD-7347 BBD-7777 BBD7565
ABP Date of Recording added for patient procedure
Sleep procedures (Soft Launch AU Only) (Note: more details to follow)
Security and performance enhancements.
What's Fixed
BBD-7056 BBD-7761 BBD-7886 BBD-7853 BBD-7859 BBD-7813 BBD-7771 BBD-6243 BBD-506
Holter (myPatch and Livetec) Device ID not showing on worklist when procedure details are updated.
Change Hookup Date/Time not showing when uploading CSC6612/DMS300 Holter types using Get Data on worklist.
-------------July 22, 2024 (v3.26.3)-------------
What's new
Manage Filters
All Admins users can now manage filter for new users and/or existing users via user management using the new Manage Filter option.
Non-Admin users can be assigned Manage-Worklist-Filter permission if needed.
All users will now have ability to edit existing filters.
With the Manage Filter option, you can Add, Edit, Mark as Default or Delete filters for all procedure types.
- New filters will automatically populate in the Filter Section for users when they log in.
- Editing existing filters will automatically update in the Filter Section for users when they log in.
- If a filter is Marked as Default for the user, their worklist will update automatically upon login.
Auto Reject ECGs
All incoming ECGs with recording date greater than 90 days will be automatically rejected.
What's Updated
Holter Devices Battery Information
Battery information for myPatch and Livetec devices now displays during Enrollment.
Battery information for myPatch device will only display in the Last Complete charge field if the device is fully charged.
Battery information for Livetec devices will display in the last known battery level field in percentage (%).
Added UI toggle for Archive Search (Soft Launch)
Added a UI toggle partial search for Archive Search.
The Toggle ON allows users to search for patient data (this only applies to Patient ID, First Name, and Last Name fields) containing partial words.
The System ID and Device ID searches will always be based on exact matches.
Note: This feature is being soft launched, only Super Users can use this feature initially. In the next release we will enable general availability to everyone.
BBD-7638 BBD-7637 BBD-3504
Archive Search disabled for Procedure ID based search.
Validations added to search.
Performance enhancements.
What's Fixed
BBD-7640 BBD-7705 BBD-7356 BBD-7579 BBD-7702 BBD-7534 BBD-7484
Immediate Attention date display.
ECG Hard Copy uploads now includes seconds for Recorded Time.
Auto Reject ECGs to prevent ECG import duplication if an ECG HardCopy already exists for the same procedure.
Serial port checks now in place to help with MyPatch enrolments.
LiveTec duplicate filename issue resolution.
Age/DoB header overlap on pinned columns on Worklist page.
Date of stroke prevent year to go into distant past values.
-------------July 1, 2024 (v3.26.2)-------------
What's new
Update ABPM Patient Demographics and Report
Updating ABPM patient demographics on BeatBox is now available for all users.
Please refer to the ABPM Zendesk user guide
Private Conversations
Users can now have private conversations if they have the permission to send and view private messages.
All messages will default to private, and user can choose to make the conversations public.
Users with this permission can also acknowledge other user’s private messages.
Private messages can be visually differentiated with a different background colour and an eye icon.
Archive Search (Soft launch)
Ability to search for patient records migrated from BeatBox Version 2 and historical records from BeatBox Version 3.
The search is limited to displaying records (read-only) and downloading report PDF.
For BeatBox Version 2 records, the system ID field will not display procedure ID and instead show the label 'Archive'.
This feature is being soft launched, only Super Users can use this feature initially. In the next release we will enable general availability to everyone.
Sleep Procedure (Soft launch AU only)
Ability to enroll and upload sleep studies on BeatBox.
This feature is being soft launched, only AU Super Users can use this feature initially. In the next release we will enable general availability to everyone.
Original Analyzed and Finalized time
Original Analyzed and Finalized time added to Procedure Details. Worklist to always display the most recent Analyzed and Finalized time.
Procedure Locking
When a cardiac technician or doctor is reviewing a procedure other users will not be able to review the same procedure (only a single user will be allowed to make changes at a time).
All subsequent users reviewing the same procedure will be shown:
- A read-only version of the page with all the action buttons disabled.
- Conclusion as read-only.
- Padlock shown at the bottom of the page with a tooltip indicting that another user is reviewing the procedure and provide a list of the usernames.
When the procedure is initially loaded then a 5-minute timer must start for the active user. A message indicating that they will be redirected to the worklist or they can extend their time (they have 30 seconds to respond otherwise it will automatically redirect to the worklist).
Patient Triggered Events for LiveTec procedures
Patient Triggered Events for LiveTec procedures now available.
Patient Triggered Events in procedure details
Patient Triggered Events now shown on Events in procedure details.
Patient Triggered Events Limitation
Patient Triggered Events limited to 60 on events page.
What's Updated
BBD-7225 BBD-7032 BBD-3737 BBD-7418
Security and performance enhancements.
Device ID has been added to search screen and on worklist for procedures where Device ID is available.
Stopping accidental overwriting/re-analysis of reports in Finalized state.
Patient lookup restriction via New Facility setup for each Lab.
What's Fixed
BBD-7112 BBD-7081 BBD-7372 BBD-6830 BBD6757 BBD-7064 BBD-7200
Auto User Allocations.
User Assigned Notifications.
-------------May 13, 2024 (v3.26.1)-------------
What's new
Procedure assign real time update
Changing assignment on procedures now updates in real time on your worklist.
Update ABPM patient demographics and report (Soft Launch)
Users can now edit Patient FirstName, LastName, PatientID, Referring Physician in BeatBox
Performing this action will also update the PDF.
Please note, this action can take a few minutes to complete, you may need to submit the request and refresh BeatBox after a few minutes to see the updated report.
This feature is being soft launched, only SuperUsers can use this feature initially. In the next release we will enable general availability to everyone.
Bulk action: Lab change
New bulk action is now available, users can now change lab for procedures in bulk from the worklist.
BBD-5734, BBD-5738, BBD-5741
V2 archive data migration to V3
V2 data has now been migrated to V3 (background). Next release we will be adding support to search for V2 archived records via search in V3 as View only.
What's Updated
BBD-6493, BBD-6261, BBD-3504,BBD-6921, BBD-6839,BBD-6861, BBD-6913, BBD-6896, BBD-6895, BBD-6818, BBD-6890, BBD-6899, BBD-6909, BBD-6900, BBD-6930,BBD-6820, BBD-6891,BBD-6892
- Multiple security related changes
- Integration testing enhancements
- Scalability changes
- Assignable users component is now searchable
- Sync user role as metadata on login
- Sending a ECG or ECG HC for review now asks for a reason
- Extracting metadata from Holter reports for further use
What's Fixed
- Inactive labs not showing on filters
- Signature issues on holter reports
- ABPM report import reliability
- Duplicate patient creation when moving procedure to new lab
- Cancel repeat not working
-------------April 8, 2024 (v3.25.3)-------------
What's new
Holter Upload Function
BeatBox now supports direct upload of Holter Data for LiveTech and myPatch devices. You can now upload data without finding the procedure on your worklist first.
Click on Worklist Actions/Bulk actions on the worklist > select "Upload Holter" and follow the steps to upload data from Holter devices. You also get the option to delete data from the device after upload is complete.
This function will work for all devices that are enrolled via web enrollment in BeatBox.
There are no permissions related with this feature, if you have permission to upload Holter data from the worklist you can automatically use this new feature.
Pending Holter Upload Check
During the enrolment process BeatBox deletes the existing data from the device. This process now checks if the data about to be deleted is already uploaded or not.
If data is already uploaded, files will be deleted.
If data is not yet uploaded, the user is prompted with a warning. They can choose to continue or upload the data first.
This function will work for all devices that are enrolled via web enrolment in BeatBox.
Email Notification management (2/2)
Part 2 of 2 changes being deployed.
This release introduces emails notifications. Emails will start flowing though shortly after the release. Watch for the warning message on the notification config screen to confirm if we are sending emails yet or not.
BBD-6835, BBD-6837
Entity Notes
General "Notes" sections are now added at every entity level. With relevant permissions these will also be visible on the Procedure Details section as a new Tab.
What's Updated
- Users Role now appears on the top right corner of BeatBox.
What's Fixed
- Multiple security and performance enhancements
-------------March 18, 2024 (v3.25.2)-------------
What's new
Reporting Error Tracking
BeatBox now supports tracking reporting errors, this feature is only available to CardioScan admins.
Will allow us to be more transparent about tracking errors made during reporting.
Email Notification management (1/2)
Part 1 or 2 changes being deployed.
This release allows users to configure their email notifications for Status and Tag changes per procedure.
Feel free to configure your notifications, but please note the emails will not go out to clients till the next release.
What's Updated
Conversations on Worklist
Users can now access Conversations from the worklist.
Identify insurance type on worklist (US ONLY)
CardioScan users can now identify insurance types on the worklist.
BBD-6547, BBD-6583
- Pacemaker questions mandatory during enrollment for Malaysia.
- Medicare card expiry date removed as mandatory during enrollment.
- EU ONLY: Added Operations details feature.
What's Fixed
BBD-6260, BBD-5961, BBD-64233, BBD-5726, BBD-5784, BBD-5356, BBD-6263, BBD-6503, BBD-6188, BBD-6685, BBD-6690, BBD-6757
- Conversations now visible from the Conversations Report UI.
- Cancel repeat not resetting status correctly.
- Device serial number not updating correctly
- Multiple security related updates
- ECG PDF with incorrect reporting doctor when marked as repeat
- File size not recorded correctly
- Full Disclosure imports sometimes fail
-------------Feb 22, 2024 (v3.25.1)-------------
What's new
Single Sign On
BeatBox now supports Single Sign On for self management of logins. Configuration needs to be completed by CardioScan in conjunction with client IT teams before this can be used. Please reach out to CardioScan if you would like to use this feature.
New Login Screen
BeatBox login screen updated to accept login email before prompting a password.
What's Updated
BeatBox domain changes
Access to BeatBox application changed from to
API domains have also changed.
Old domains will be active for the next 90 days then be made redundant please change your saved links to the new URL. we will have a redirect in place for the 90 days.
If you face any whitelisting issues please reach out to CardioScan Support.
Holter extended data capture
Holter imports now capture more data for extended reporting needs.
User login metadata
User logins now capture more metadata to help track and debug issues better.
BBD-5726,BBD-5727, BBD-4200, BBD-5728, BBD-5784, BBD-, BBD-6361
Multiple security related changes, no functional changes made to BeatBox.
What's Fixed
- Issues editing Serial Number for Procedure
- PatientID sometimes 0 in ECG Analysis software
- ECG Raspberry Pi updates
- ECG Request Repeat not making new PDF
- ECG import failing after Reject status
- File status duplicate fixes
- Holter data upload error messages
-------------Jan 16, 2024 (v3.24.5)-------------
What's new
Worklist and Procedure search limit results
User will be prompted to use the new search option when the search selection (date range) criteria exceeds the BeatBox output limit.
Workflow tags on report page
Specific workflow tags visible on the report page relevant to user reviewing the report for reference purposes. These will be displayed below the procedure information.
Improved Debugging and Troubleshooting
For improved debugging and troubleshooting, an alphanumeric error code displays on the error message pop up box. The error code can be copied (using the copy button) and shared with the support team when reporting issues.
What's Updated
Multiple security related changes, no functional changes made to BeatBox.
What's Fixed
Entering the Date of Recording is mandatory when uploading Holter Data using GetData from the worklist.
8 character limit set for ECG Device ID field in Device Management.