BeatBox Change Log 2023
-------------Dec 18, 2023 (v3.24.4)-------------
What’s new
Shareable Report URL
1. Shareable ECG, ECG Hard Copy, ABP, or Holter report URL.
2. Ability to copy the URL in the address bar and paste the URL wherever you're sharing your link.
3. Clicking the URL will navigate directly to the report.
New Procedure Search
1. New search option added to the top navigation bar with capability to search for historical procedures.
2. Relevant worklist functions also available on the search result page.
3. Ability to navigate to the next procedure on the report page.
Note: When a search by Date and/or Status (via worklist) doesn't output any results, user will be prompted to click on a link that navigates to the new search option.
New Conversations UI
New Conversations UI accessible via the top navigation bar. All conversations will now be available in one spot.
In addition to the conversation’s usability changes in last release the following new capabilities are introduced:
- Ability to track all conversations based on the device type (Holter, ECG, ECG Hard Copy and ABP) and by selecting date range.
- Sync Data button added on the conversations page.
- Ability to view your messages when Include my messages is ticked.
- Ability to view acknowledged messages when Include acknowledged is ticked.
- Conversations can be sorted by System ID, Status, Patient ID, Lab, Author, Created (Message Creation Date/Time), and Message.
- Ability to navigate to the conversation panel on the Report Page by clicking Review.
- The Next button on the Report Page navigates to the next report and conversation panel.
New ECG Tags added
The following tag references added to BeatBox and available as filter criteria for ECG procedures imported to BeatBox:
QTC = QTC tag
ATH = Athlete tag
TO = Trace Only
Duplicate patient diary events
Copy button on the events page provides the ability to duplicate patient diary events:
Changes to Insurance Details (applies to US only)
The Fee-for-service (FFS) options updated to include only 2 items when selecting insurance type (on Add patient procedure page).
What’s Updated
Additional auto text options added for ECG reporting (EU Region) in the conclusion section.
Ability to communicate as an internal user in conversations.
Addition of a list of medical indications region specific (for US Region).
BBD-5529, BBD-5540, BBD-5598, BBD-5626, BBD-5663, BBD-5923, BBD-5980, BBD-6043, BBD-5598, BBD-5626, BBD-5663, BBD-5775, BBD-5788, BBD-5796, BBD-5962, BBD-5964
What’s Fixed
Cart Numbers are now set to be case insensitive.
Users unable to see a Saved Filter in the save filter dropdown (EU Region).
Issue with BPs import to BBv2 instead of BBv3 is rectified.
Issue when editing Medicare information has been rectified.
ABP procedure details returning a wrong procedure ID has been rectified.
BBD-5967, BBD-6017, BBD-6061, BBD-6067, BBD-6071, BBD-5759, BBD-5958, BBD-5279
-------------Nov 27, 2023 (v3.24.3)-------------
What’s new
Worklist Filters
1. Ability to Filter by Country, Billing Entity, Organization, Facility, Lab is added to the filters. Users will only see all levels if they have access to multiple locations at the highest level. E.g if you only have access to Labs in Australia you will not see Australia as an option to select your filters will start at Billing entity level.
2. Reorganized the filters to fit more information and room for extension later.
3. Locations, Status, Tags and Assigned to are now searchable.
4. Save filter now allows for saving Country, Billing Entity, Organization and Facility selections
Worklist UI enhancements
1. Renamed column headers to reduce column width
2. Gender icons used instead of text
3. Resized columns widths to always see Patient demographic information
4. Introduced fixed columns and horizontal scrolling for users with smaller screens or all columns selected.
5. Removed "Worklist" header and moved Bulk Actions next to Export Worklist.
6. Lab and First name are now optional columns, can be removed from the Settings icon.
7. Default view changed to 25 procedures.
Scroll bar for Horizontal and Vortical scrolling on smaller screens:
Users are encouraged to select only the columns they are interested in for a better experience.
Serial Number selection for ECG HC and Holter (CSC6612/DMS300-7)
Ability to select Serial numbers during the Enrolment process for ECG HC and CSC6612 / DMS300-7 Holters. Devices will need to be configured in device management first and they will appear in the dropdown list for selection.
BBD-5461, BBD-5462, BBD-5460
Conversations usability changes
1. Simplified Conversation messages types by removing "Mark as" options.
2. Introducing Acknowledgement option per message to track which requests are done.
3. Introducing Internal CardioScan user permissions, to track client request vs CardioScan responses.
This deployment is part 1/2 for the new Conversations tracking UI. Next release will introduce a UI to track all conversations in one spot.
What’s Updated
BBD-5346, BBD-3937, BBD-5234, BBD-5464, BBD-5239, BBD-5459, BBD-5241, BBD-5451, BBD-4209, BBD-5528, BBD-5316, BBD-5323, BBD-5529, BBD-5418, BBD-5404, BBD-5401, BBD-5373
1. Clear all events option is now available on Events UI during Holter data upload.
2. ECG backend performance enhancements.
3. Added option to force all ECG imports into V3.
4. ABPM report integration options added in.
5. Extended security checks on multiple endpoints.
6. Consolidated backend Microservices.
7. Worklist Performance enhancements. Default to Modified date type for users with greater access.
8. Bulk assign now allows you to unassign user.
7. Added procedure count on report page to show how many procedures are in the list.
What’s Fixed
BBD-5616, BBD-5672, BBD-5546, BBD-5129, BBD-4301, BBD-5441, BBD-5439, BBD-5415, BBD-5379, BBD-5325, BBD-5372
1. Livetec device enrollment no longer looks for myPatch enrollment software.
2. View ECG procedure sometimes failed
3. Conclusion component issues with selecting text and undo changes.
4. Year validation not working for Holter enrollment.
5. Full name edit on users not working
6. ABPM import bugs for updating records from analysis software.
7. Apostrophes not allowed for Patient Names
8. Some ECG Hard Copy uploads not visible in the PDF component
9. Realtime update not working for Holter upload process.
-------------Oct 23, 2023 (v3.24.2)-------------
What’s new
Upload ECG files
Ability to upload ECG DICOM files for analysis. All uploaded files will go though Glasgow Analysis if available in the region.
Reject from related studies popup
Ability to reject/unreject a procedure from related studies popup. Related studies is also added as an option to the worklist against the procedure.
Serial Tag and indicator
Serial Tag (virtual) is added for ease for filtering a Series of Procedures. This is also identifiable by a blue row indicator on the worklist.
Serial Procedures must meet the following requirements:
- Procedures belong to the same patient.
- Recording time is within 1 hour window, any procedure type.
- Rejected tests are excluded.
What’s Updated
BBD-4490,BBD-4665,BBD-4877, BBD-5108,BBD-5130,BBD-5218,BBD-5048,BBD-5234,BBD-5232,BBD-5236,BBD-5274,BBD-5239,BBD-5240,BBD-3937
1. Performance enhancements and minor changes to ECG PDF Reports
2. Multiple security and stability enhancements
3. ECG Archive function
4. Tooltip on worklist for Lab now includes Organization and Facility
What’s Fixed
BBD-5133, BBD-5189,BBD-5347,BBD-5243,BBD-5319,BBD-5342
1. ADT Integration middle name not importing
2. Handle scenarios where removable device location has changed during enrolment
3. Some backend fixes
4. Handle scenarios where data file doesn't match Patient record in BeatBox during Upload.
5. Review Hard Copy in Repeat state
-------------Oct 2, 2023 (v3.24.1)-------------
What’s new
BBD-4870, BBD-5196,BBD-4869,BBD-4871,BBD-4872,BBD-4970,BBD-4996,BBD-4873,BBD-4876,BBD-4874,BBD-4998,BBD-4920
livetec support
Ability to enroll and upload data from livetec devices has been added.
CER-S analysis software support
Integration with CER-S software for Holter reporting has been added. This covers sending data for analysis, importing CER-S reports to BeatBox and finalizing reports in BeatBox.
ABPM reports
Added support for accessing ABPM reports from V3. Reports will slowly start flowing though to V3, watch this space.
Alias (subaddressing) support for User emails
Users can now be created with an alias if your email provider allows subaddressing.
e.g consider a valid email: and a user already exists with this email in BeatBox. You can now create multiple BeatBox accounts for the same email by adding subaddressing like,,
What’s Updated
BBD-5196, BBD-4896,BBD-4715,BBD-2291,BBD-4892,BBD-4889, BBD-5099
1. Enhanced permission checks on multiple endpoints
2. Added sorting option for Immediate Attention/Urgent tests on the Worklist
3. Dropped support for BBv2 to import new Holter tests in US/UK regions, all tests will only go to BBv3.
4. Repeat/Rejected ECG's can now be reviewed. Lets the user review the ECG and reason for repeat.
5. Importing additional fields from DICOMs for ECG
6. ECG checks in V3, if they already exist in V2
What’s Fixed
1. Tag's not updating in real-time on the worklist
2. Status sometimes not changing after upload is complete for myPatch devices
3. Multiple small bug fixes and security updates.
-------------Aug 24, 2023 (v3.23.5)-------------
What’s new
BBD-4511, BBD-4758
Bulk Actions
Ability to perform bulk actions to procedures on the Worklist. We will be extending this with more actions over time. First release brings Bulk Send, Bulk Download Report and Assign Procedure. You need access to relevant actions to perform them in Bulk. You can perform bulk actions for up to 50 procedures at a time, the procedures need to be on the same page of the Worklist.
Assign Procedure to User
Ability to assign procedures is being added to the Worklist. This is mainly used by CardioScan to assign procedures to Doctors for reporting. Worklist also shows assignments for easy filtering. This feature is available to everyone please reach out to your account manager if you would like to use it
Bulk Download Report
Added the ability to download finalised reports in bulk from the Worklist.
Bulk Reject
Added the ability to reject procedure's in bulk from the Worklist.
Conclusion Autofill Dictionary
Autofill suggestions for conclusion is now available for ECG and ECG Hard Copy. The autofill works on each line of the conclusion.
Virtual Tag: Report Not Downloaded
Added a new Virtual Tag (not visible on Worklist) called "Report Not Downloaded". This tag is available in filters and can be saved like usual. When selected as a filter, this tag shows all procedures that have finalized reports and have not yet been downloaded.
HL7 ADT lookup during ECG Import
ECG import now checks ADT reference data to extract Patient Demographics based on PatientID and location.
What’s Updated
BBD-4682, BBD-4600, BBD-4578,BBD-4227, BBD-4795, BBD-4664, BBD-4603, BBD-4723, BBD-4673, BBD-4598,BBD-4832
1. ECG report template updated to show more fields from the ECG Machine.
2. A warning now shows if you try to exit the Events screen during the Holter data upload process to avoid accidents.
3. Holter data steps have better error handling to ensure data was uploaded successfully.
4. Multiple performance and security improvements.
5. New note for Medicare added in Insurance types section for Holter Enrolment.
6. Sorting on User Management grid now works correctly.
-------------Aug 7, 2023 (v3.23.4)-------------
What’s new
ECG Hard Copy
Ability to enroll and report on ECG Hard Copy is being added to BeatBox. ECG HC follow the same workflow as ECG's in BeatBox.
Outbound Integrations
BeatBox now supports outbound integrations in various configurations. Some examples include: HL7, PDF file transfer, FAX etc.
What’s Updated
BBD-4427, BBD-3764,BBD-4419, BBD-4431, BBD-2641
1. Security enhancements
2. Extended ECG Import fields
-------------July 10, 2023 (v3.23.3)-------------
What’s new
Patient Name Change and Day Identification: Holter Full Disclosure Report
BeatBox will now update Patient Names and Day Number on all pages of the Full Disclosure Holter Report.
What’s Fixed
BBD-4287, BBD-4312
EHR Inbound Integration
Fixed a few bugs related to EHR integration:
1. Insurance record prefill
2. Duplicate Procedures removed
3. Default Holter Enrollment fields now working
-------------June 14, 2023 (v3.23.2)-------------
What’s new
Patient Name Change: Holter Finalized Report
BeatBox will now update Patient Names on all pages of the Finalized Holter Report. This only covers the main Holter report for now, patient name change for Full Disclosure reports is coming soon.
What’s updated
User Interface Standardization
BeatBox User Interface has minor updates done to standardize Buttons, Text Boxes, Icons etc. No functional changes.
Reason for Test: Holter Report Screen
Reason for test is now appended to Indications field on the report screen.
-------------May 16, 2023 (v3.23.1)-------------
What’s new
BBD-3263, BBD-3459
ECG Glasgow Interpretation
ECG imports now natively support Glasgow Interpretation and added support to choose between Glasgow and Cart Diagnosis during ECG import.
-------------April 17, 2023 (v3.22.3)-------------
What’s new
Procedure Confirm Workflow Speed
When reporting a procedure, we can now press the confirm button and start reporting the next procedure without waiting for the process to finish. Any errors will be shown as a toast message and users can retry changes if needed. This allows users to report faster.
What’s fixed
Time Zone Conversion issue
Fixed an issue where 30 min Time Zone differences were not reflected correctly.
Analysis Sent to location
Fixed an issue where BeatBox would capture the incorrect Sent to Location Name after a test was sent for analysis.
Incorrect Worklist export CSV
Fixed an issue where CSV exports of the worklist was missing date of birth for exported records.
Saved Filter Bug
Fixed an issue where making changes to a saved filter would not take effect.
ECG PDF Render field size
Fixed an issue where ECG PDF report would not show the full date time stamps due to size of the field.
Standardise UI elements
Standardised some UI elements so they match all BeatBox screens.
Device ID Uniqueness
Fixed an issue where duplicate Device ID's were able to be saved under Device Management.
-------------March 8, 2023 (v3.22.2)-------------
What’s new
Mandatory Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
We can now enforce MFA at the facility level or by individual users.
If ON, Users must add MFA to their account, else they will not be able to access BeatBox.
What’s updated
Multiple security related changed, no functional changes made to BeatBox.
What’s fixed
Hookup date time validation
Fixed an issue where invalid hook up date were accepted during enrollment.
Holter Data Upload getting stuck
Fixed an issue where BeatBox would freeze on the upload step and users were not able to proceed with upload steps.
User Permission Update
Fixed an issue where user permissions would not save correctly
-------------Jan 16, 2023 (v3.22.1)-------------
What’s updated
Multiple security related changed, no functional changes made to BeatBox.
What’s fixed
Event Length Issue
Fixed an issue where long text in events caused errors in analysis.
Urgent ECG not marked in Conversations
Urgent ECG's are now marked in conversations functionality as well.