BeatBox Settings
BeatBox adapts to user defined settings at the entity level. Below you will find what each setting does and which entity level to find them
Name | Description |
Default value |
Logo | Allows users to upload a logo for the organization. This logo is then used for the Finalized Reports in Beatbox |
No logo exists by default |
Name | Description |
Default value |
Referring Physician Mandatory | Allows for Referring Physician to be made mandatory during the enrolment process | OFF |
Ethnicity Selection | Allows for Ethnicity to be selected during the enrolment process. If new options for the dropdown need to be added, please contact support | OFF |
Hide Summary from Finalized Report | If ON, hide's the Summary section from first page of Finalized Holter Reports. | OFF |
Wrap Conclusion Text | If ON, Wraps multiple lines of the conclusion text into a paragraph during Finalized Report Creation. Helps if users write a lot of content in the conclusion section and want the Summary section to also appear on the first page of the Finalized Report. | OFF |
Has Facility Logo | If ON, allows users to upload a facility logo. This logo is then used for the Finalized Reports in Beatbox and will override the Organization Logo (if available) | OFF |
Holter Report Centre Logo | Only enables if Facility Logo is ON. Allows the users to Centre the Facility logo on first page of the finalized Holter reports | OFF |
Web Enrollment | If ON, myPatch Enrollments can be done from the browser and there is no need to install and use the myPatch Enrollment desktop application. Note: This method only works on Chrome and Edge browsers. | OFF |
ECG QA Process | If ON, all ECG procedure's will get the ability to be checked before it is Finalized. This enables the procedure to be changed to Confirmed status first. After QA can be updated to Finalized status. | OFF |
Full Disclosure | If ON, it identifies Holter Procedure's that require Full Disclosure Reports during Analysis | OFF |
MFA Required | IF ON, Every user with access to the facility must add Multi Factor Authentication to their account, | OFF |
Name | Description |
Default value |
Lab Timezone | Allows the user to pick the timezone of the Lab. This will impact all procedure DateTime shown in BeatBox. Please ensure is correct during create Lab | N/A user must pick a value |
V2 Laboratory ID | Allows the User to Link a V3 lab to V2 Lab using the V2 lab Identifier | N/A |
Reporting in V3 | If ON, allows the Analyzed Holter Reports to start flowing through to the | ON |
Has Lab Logo | If ON, allows users to upload a lab logo. This logo is then used for the Finalized Reports in Beatbox and will override the Facility and Organization Logo (if available) | OFF |
Holter Report Centre Logo | Only enables if Lab Logo is ON. Allows the users to Centre the Facility logo on first page of the finalised holter reports | OFF |