Search for a patient
This process shows you how to search for a patient prior to enrolling their procedure in BeatBox.
You can search for a patient either in BeatBox or the Electronic Health Records (EHR) associated with the lab (if relevant).
You can only search within those labs to which you have access.
1. At the top left of your Worklist, click Enrol.
2. Select the patient's lab.
3. If the lab has access to its EHR, choose whether you want to search here or in BeatBox. Otherwise, go to step 4.
4. Type part or all of the patient's name or Patient ID.
A maximum of six matches will display (depending on the details you've entered and the labs to which you have access). If there are further matches, click More to see all results.
Note: If there are too many results, try to include more details in your search. If you cannot find the patient, try to widen your search parameters.