Add a new user
Before you add a new user, you need to check whether the lab to which you want to add the user already exists in BeatBox.
- if the lab exists in BeatBox, you can create the user and assign them to that lab
- if the lab does not yet exist in BeatBox, you need to add the lab first, then add the user and assign them to that lab
Check whether user's lab exists in BeatBox
1. Go to and log in to BeatBox.
2. Click the icon at the top left of your Worklist, then click Business units and Labs. (Click outside the side pane to close it.)
3. Use the Search function to find the relevant lab, or sort the list then scroll to find the lab.
4. If the relevant lab:
- already exists in BeatBox, go to Add new user (below)
- does not yet exist in BeatBox, go to Add or edit a lab (then come back to add the user).
Add new user
To add a new user, you need to add their demographic details, their business unit access and their role/s and permissions.
1. Click the icon at the top left of your Worklist, then click User management. (Click outside the side pane to close it).
2. At the top right of your screen, click New user.
Add user's demographic details
1. On the Basic info tab, add the user's details, then click Next.
Add user's business unit access
1. On the Business unit access tab, click to select the business units (i.e. labs, facilities and organisations) to which the user has access.
You can use the Search function or the Expand all and Collapse all options to help you with your search. To see which business units you have selected, refer to the Selected business units list on the right.
2. When you have finished, click Next.
Add user's role/s and permissions
1. On the Roles and permissions tab, click to select the relevant role/s for the user.
When you select the relevant role/s for the user, the associated permissions for these role/s will be listed on the left. If you make a mistake, click the 'x' beside the role in the Assign roles field to remove it.
2. If you want to add specific permissions for the user (which aren't included in the roles that you have selected), go to the Assign individual permissions field and click to select the permissions required.
You can either select the checkbox beside the permission group to select all permissions in that group, or select permissions individually. For further information about roles and permissions, see BeatBox default roles and permission definitions.
3. When you have finished, click Save.
The user is added to the list with a status of 'Invitation sent' and a Welcome email is sent to the user which enables them to set up their initial BeatBox password.